Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Act of Hate: Atheist group offers porn for Bibles.

In my view this is an act of hate. It illustrates the continuing movement of hateful sentiments and actions reverberating throughout the atheist community.

from Boingboing

Atheist Agenda, an atheist group at U Texas San Antonio, staged a "Porno for Bibles" event, where they gave free pornography to people who traded in religious scripture. Link (via

An atheist group called "Think Atheist" is willing to face the difficulties of being wrong:

Well, what if we are wrong? How are we going to spend eternity in hell? Think realistically (if you can) about what awaits us. Let us discuss the darker side of the monotheistic culture.

something inherently perverse there. The site shows graphics of Heroshimius Bosch's painting of hell.

Another page labels Christians "Jesusphiles" as though it's a dirty word. It's a dirty thing to love Jesus.It's evil, you are pervert if you are a Christian.

There is a reason why Jesusphiles hate and fear atheists: it has to do with resentment. Atheists do not believe in gods, therefore they are not, in a non-theocracy, subject to the dictates of the priestly elite (aka money donations) who pretend to speak for their gods. Extortion threats of "Hell" and "damnation" thus do not work against atheists, and this cuts into the elite priests' funds--- for every person born who remains an atheist, that is one less person giving money to the priestly elite in exhange for "peace of mind."

this is an extremely hateful mentality. they all it mapped like a political philosophy, compete with derogatory names of the target of their hatred, and a "them and us" view of the world with a philosophy based upon being the persecuted target of the hated one's they target with their own hatred.

Their fantasy constructs are structured to paint a picture of the world very similar o the racists in the old south. They imagine themselves to be happier and more productive than Christians because they assume Chrsitians are useless idiots.

That is not the only reason why Jesusphiles hate and fear atheists. Atheists are happy, productive, ethical, caring, compassionate, charitable, liberal, decent, kind, moral, and good citizens. The Jesusphile has been told to believe that only belief in the gods of their priestly masters can yield these positive traits. In other words, the priestly elite has lied to them: every time a Jesusphile sees a good, humane atheist, that lie is rubbed in their faces. This generates resentment against the priestly elite, but the Jesusphile, believing that their masters speak for their gods, makes the atheist the target of their resentment instead

Of course this is exactly contrary to the studies which show that religious belief is the no 1 factor in well being, and that people who have Religious experinces do much better across the board than those who don't.

"Doctrors find Power of faith hard to ignore
By Usha Lee McFarling
Knight Ridder News Service (Dec. 23, 1998) Http:// Quote:

"Some suspect that the benefits of faith and churchgoing largely boil down to having social support � a factor that, by itself, has been shown to improve health. But the health effects of religion can't wholly be explained by social support. If, for example, you compare people who aren't religious with people who gather regularly for more secular reasons, the religious group is healthier. In Israel, studies comparing religious with secular kibbutzim showed the religious communes were healthier."Is this all a social effect you could get from going to the bridge club? It doesn't seem that way," said Koenig, who directs Duke's Center for the Study of Religion/Spirituality and Health .Another popular explanation for the link between religion and health is sin avoidance."

"The religious might be healthier because they are less likely to smoke, drink and engage in risky sex and more likely to wear seat belts.But when studies control for those factors, say by comparing religious nonsmokers with nonreligious nonsmokers, the religious factors still stand out. Compare smokers who are religious with those who are not and the churchgoing smokers have blood pressure as low as nonsmokers. "If you're a smoker, make sure you get your butt in church," said Larson, who conducted the smoking study."

350 studies back up that conclusions. Here are the findings of two major studies Wuthnow and Nobel. These are qualities they show that people who have religious experinces possess to a significantly greater extent than those who don't.


*Say their lives are more meaningful,
*think about meaning and purpose
*Know what purpose of life is
Meditate more
*Score higher on self-rated personal talents and capabilities
*Less likely to value material possessions, high pay, job security, fame, and having lots of friends
*Greater value on work for social change, solving social problems, helping needy
*Reflective, inner-directed, self-aware, self-confident life style


*Experience more productive of psychological health than illness
*Less authoritarian and dogmatic
*More assertive, imaginative, self-sufficient
*intelligent, relaxed
*High ego strength,
*relationships, symbolization, values,
*integration, allocentrism,
*psychological maturity,
*self-acceptance, self-worth,
*autonomy, authenticity, need for solitude,
*increased love and compassion

notice the Jesusphile site does not offer any study evdience in favor or their assertions.

The sites ends their orgiastic hatred by quoting many many comments from "alleged Christians" cursing at them. But I'm sure they made up most of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "porn for Bibles" thing isn't hateful; it's parody, it's an attention getting stunt, it's maybe a little rude, but I don't see that it's hateful.

What's hateful about Hieronymus Bosch? If anything it's an example of the kind of hate some Christians direct at us atheists; they seem to relish the thought of non-Christians being tortured for eternity. Now THAT'S hateful...

I think what you're seeing with the "Jesusphiles" comment is the reaction of someone who is sick and tired of being told by Christians that they deserve to burn to in hell, that they are "lost", that they are bad people just because they don't believe in someone else's conception of God.

And this is some unknown person's obscure webpage. I don't think that compares to the kind of hatred directed at atheists by prominent Christians like Pat Robertson for example...

"The sites ends their orgiastic hatred by quoting many many comments from "alleged Christians" cursing at them. But I'm sure they made up most of them."Right...`cause we both know no Christian would ever stoop to calling an atheist names like, oh, "buttfucking nazi" for example...would they Joe? And if they did, it would be out of a spirit of love and because they were just trying to help...right? ;-)

What's the point of all this anyway? Should I go looking for more examples of Christians directing scorn and hatred at atheists, or gays, or people of other faiths? Do you think I couldn't find plenty of examples? Do you think it would prove anything? Are you advancing anything positive by throwing up this smokescreen? There's nothing on those pages that's any worse than some of the anger you've directed at atheists.

I asked you to remove a couple of links which I felt were offensive in the way they linked atheism to Hitler and Stalin. I had hoped that you would extend me a little courtesy and respect and at least hear me out, but I guess hanging on to your own anger and hatred is more important to you than an honest, respectful dialogue with a buttfucking nazi atheist...